Football English 3 (s. 21/22)

Cristiano Ronaldo is back at MU

Historyczna chwila, kiedy to CR7 wraca do Czerwonych Diabłów (the Red Devils) i tę historyczną chwilę połączyłem z „czytaniem anglojęzycznych artykułów ze świadomością”. Szczegóły na filmiku oraz w notatce treningowej z wyrażeniami 21-30 (Part 3) w bieżącym sezonie. You must swim with the SHARKS!

Step by Step. Kornel THE SHARK Paszkiewicz 😊

Notatka treningowa:

21 leave (a club) for (a club)

CR left MU for Real Madrid.

Since leaving Old Trafford for Real Madrid in 2009 he has scored 551 club goals, won four Champions Leagues, four Ballons d’Or, four league titles and multiple golden boots.

przejść (z jednego klubu) do (innego klubu)

CR przeszedł z MU do Realu.

Everyday English:

I left Kąty Wrocławskie for Wrocław at 7:17am

= Wyjechałem z … do ….

22 since (STATS)


CR has scored 551 goals since 2009.

Ronaldo’s goal figures have dipped / tailed off somewhat since he hit over 40 La Liga goals for Real Madrid in three out of five seasons. In 2014-15 he hit 61 goals in 54 games in all competitions.

In fact since Ronaldo joined Juventus in 2018, only Robert Lewandowski (99) and Lionel Messi (91) have scored more goals in Europe’s top five leagues than his 81.

But in recent years, as he has become more of a number nine, those assists have dried up slightly. His past five seasons – two at Real and three at Juventus – have seen an average of 5.4 league assists.

Ronaldo’s style has clearly changed over the years. At Manchester United he started off as a skinny winger with arguably more style than substance.


CR strzelił 551 goli od 2009 roku.


increase # decrease

decrease -> dip, tail off, dry up slightly

23 CR is 36 (LIFE VERSION)

CR is 36 years old (SCHOOL VERSION)

CR is at 36 (SHARK VERSION) 😊

And while he is, at 36, clearly past his peak, the stats show he is still one of Europe’s top goalscorers.

Błaszczykowski is past his peak.

CR ma 36 lat

Błaszczykowski ma już za sobą szczyt formy.

24 The stats show he is still one of Europe’s top goalscorers.

The stats show that ….

Statystyki pokazują, że on jest wciąż jednym z najlepszych strzelców w Europie.
25 He hit double figures.


His Champions League scoring did tail off at Juventus though. He had hit double figures in each of his last seven seasons at Real, but only managed six, four and four in three years at Juve.

Strzelił ponad 9 goli …..

è He scored more than 9 goals.

26 In nine years at Real Madrid, it was eight major competitions and eight minor ones. Podczas 9 lat w Realu Madryt …

= During

27 How many minutes has he got in the legs?

He’s got …. minutes in the legs.

Ile minut ma w nogach?
28 That is comparable to his six seasons at United in the Premier League (5.67 assists a season).

Compared with ….

To jest porównywalne z…

W porównaniu z ..

29 CR7 is a goal threat. CR7 jest zawodnikiem, który stwarza zagrożenie pod bramką przeciwnika.
30 Most notably, …

Notably, …

szczególnie, zwłaszcza, w szczególności

Link do artykułu:

Photo source: BBC Football.

Step by Step. Kornel Paszkiewicz

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